Online Marketing Experts You Should Follow Now


The best way to learn online marketing and stay up-to-date with what happens in the industry is to follow the really well known specialist. We are talking about digital marketing so it is quite obvious that almost all professionals out there have a good online presence. Make sure that you follow these ones:

Brian Clark

Brian Clark

You may not know his name but you surely know the site that he launched: CopyBlogger. Every person that is interested in blogging, social media marketing or content marketing have the CopyBlogger feed in their reader. There are so many tricks and tips that are offered and writers will always visit this blog on a constant basis.

Matt Cutts

Matt Cutts

Cutts is obviously not a marketer but he is so well known in the industry. You have to follow him on Twitter since he is the first person out there that lets others know about what happens in the search engine industry. We can see him as the expert of experts, one of the SEO individuals that all people listen to, whenever he says anything.

Belle Beth Cooper

Belle Beth Cooper

There is a huge chance that you did not get a chance to read much of what Belle writes but you may want to check out the articles she publishes on The Huffington Post. You will definitely want to also follow her on Twitter. Her writing is highly entertaining and you will particularly love the tips offered for writers, social media marketers and bloggers.

Michael Hyatt

Michael Hyatt

Hyatt is a best-selling author that is really entertaining. You will definitely want to follow his website since you are about to read many different things about technology and various messages that can be very successful in the future. Every bit of information offered is informative and transparent. You can so easily learn everything that you have to know about various subjects, all in an easy way to understand.

Further Reading:  The Power of Word of Mouth Marketing

Avinash Kaushik

Avinash Kaushik

Avinash will definitely stand out since he actually wrote 2 best-selling books about online marketing. Kaushik manages to basically bring in science in an industry that is usually dominated by gut feeling. Make sure that you follow him on Twitter.


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